Haven't been updating at ALL lately. My mom has been visiting and driving me nuts with all this food she makes. She's like 5 ft tall and 110 lbs and eats like a cow but NEVER gains a single lb it drives me CRAZY. She'll make this giant fat induced dinner but get upset with me if I eat a cookie, like how does that even make sense!! While I've really enjoyed her visit I have to admit I'll be happy when she heads back home and I can get back to a regular schedule. She's gone tomorrow evening so posts will be more frequent and back to normal then. Just exhausted from this whole weekend! Chow for now.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches
If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's funny that when you are eating pretty clean foods for awhile and your 'oh so loving boyfriend' convinces you to have Chinese food for dinner so I don't have to cook, how unbelieveably disgusting and tired it can make you feel, not to mention want to eat everything else in sight. Putting it out of my mind! Getting back to my regular choices today. Thinking about investing some time and money into some lifeguarding courses. The pay here is pretty good with lots of room for advancement and raises, and even if I didn't do it as a fulltime job it would be a great way to pick up some part time work, all courses involved only comes up to about $450 bucks, well worth the money in my opinion. Going to check it out tonight after work : ) Great perks too, awesome health benefits, free rec center pass (Olympic pools, indoor running tracks, squash courts, ice rinks, fitness center, etc!)
Brekifest! Whole Wheat Toast w/ PB and Banana, Super Yum : )
Brekifest! Whole Wheat Toast w/ PB and Banana, Super Yum : )
Went up to the Cafeteria with the Girls for lunch, raided the salad bar a bit. Ended up with quite the assortment, noodle salad which was like eating pure mayo (ick, passed on most of it), some lovely boiled potatoes in a garlic cream sauce (YUM!), taco salad ish stuff ( the taco salad bowl was like ALL ground beef and cheese, I put a bed of reg lettuce underneat and just added a bit on top, was delcious!) PLUS some greek salad (very small portion) and some raw veggies along with a diet pepsi. Was rather filling : )

Friday, August 20, 2010
TGIF!!! Although I might end up working for awhile tomorrow lol!
Brekifast' - Same Ole Deliciousness : )
Excited for the weekend even if I end up coming to work for a few hours tomorrow it will be pretty relaxed. Hoping to hit up some racquet ball tonight with a friend and grab some stir fry for dinner at Wok Box which is always yummy! No real big weekend plans I don't think, might take a road trip for the day but I'm not really sure yet, had planned to cause the boyfriend was going to take a few days off but he couldn't get them so I'll probably just stay in town. House needs a good cleaning : ) Well, off to works. Update laterz. Hopefully the cafeteria has something yummy/healthy today, I didn't bring any lunch (Silly of me)!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Feeling a tad frustrated this morning. Slept in and missed my bus, annoying but whatever. It's weird, I've been going to bed earlier (Around 11ish) but still sleeping in, a guess an alarm clock would help lol! Drove in to work and wasn't late when I got here but the shuttle service from the main parking lot to my office took FOREVER! Usually it's like a 10 minute (If that) drive down to my office but this morning it took like 40 minutes! I was so frustrated! ...Deep breathing... lol
I'm really begining to .. I wouldn't say detest my job, but I dunno, I feel like I sit on my butt ALL day and do nothing and then when I get home my body is like in a total shock mode that I'm suddenly running around making dinner, working out, walking dogs. Anyone have any suggestions who might work in an office? Do you work out in the AM to get things going? Walk around at lunch? I can't really walk anywhere expect my actual building, which isn't that big, I think people would think I was crazy if I started randomly walking around in circles.
Same Ole Same Ole Delicoius Oats w/ PB and Banann + a Cafe'

I'm trying to figure out if I should just continue on with doing my own workouts and just being more active and eating better until christmas and then after the new year hire a personal trainer for one session a week for a few months before my big Jamacia trip. I've lost almost 30 lbs just eating better and getting more active but I also want to make sure I'm doing the right amount of weight training and the proper reps and areas together etc. I've herd that weight training can REALLY help with loose skin and what not. I don't think I'm going to have a big problem because I don't have much for stretch marks but still. Have to mull it over, it's not cheap but I wanted to join a gym anyways and I think you can get discounts if you are a member.
I use to LOVE swimming and I want to get back into it as a maintenance exersize for when I get to the weight I want to stay at, I think between running and swimming and possibly a kickboxing class each week there will be enough activity to keep my weight in check without having to really restrict myself from eating as much as I am now. I'm still very commited to a healthy lifestyle because that's just where I want to be at, not about to gorge on McDonalds and eat entire bags of chips suddenly because I hit my goal weight but currently my calorie intake is pretty low so I'd like to have a bit more freedom there, and it's important just to be active anyways. I figure run x2 swim x2 and maybe two kick boxing classes a week would be a great plan, and easy enough to stick to : )
I'm blabbering! Going to check out some gym prices and blogs.
On my drive home from work I decided to snack on some grapes cause my tummy was craving something. These grapes are SO good, and so crunchy, so delicious!

Decided to do some Wii Work Out, was a 50 Min Moderate Level Work Out. I really like to work out with the EA Active but I find it groups things together to much. Like you'll do 4 leg exersizes in a row, then 4 arm ones, I wish it was mixed up a bit more. Still better than doing notta though :)

After the Wii Exersize I had a quick shower and took the babes for a walk, and met the hunny at his bus stop with the kids when he got home, enjoy a short little (5-6 min) walk home together and then we headed out for dinner.
He got A burger, I thought I was going to want a bite but it didn't look tasty at all, he said it was delicious and it's not that it looked bad just didn't appeal to me whatsoever.

I got a Spring Mix Salad and a Bowl of Chipotle Chowder. I was super excited when the waitress told me what the soup of the day was but I dunno, I expected it to be spicer, or spicy at all? And it wasn't it tasted like a bland Corn Chowder with awkwardly large pieces of bacon in it, I ate maybe half of the already pretty shallow bowl, devoured my salad though :) Minus some of the cranberries because they were so sweet and there was SOO many of them!

Not the greatest pictures, the lightning in there kind of sucked and my iphone dosen't have a flash, Boo : (! Hoping for the iphone 4 for Christmas!
Nights : )))))
I'm really begining to .. I wouldn't say detest my job, but I dunno, I feel like I sit on my butt ALL day and do nothing and then when I get home my body is like in a total shock mode that I'm suddenly running around making dinner, working out, walking dogs. Anyone have any suggestions who might work in an office? Do you work out in the AM to get things going? Walk around at lunch? I can't really walk anywhere expect my actual building, which isn't that big, I think people would think I was crazy if I started randomly walking around in circles.
Same Ole Same Ole Delicoius Oats w/ PB and Banann + a Cafe'

I'm trying to figure out if I should just continue on with doing my own workouts and just being more active and eating better until christmas and then after the new year hire a personal trainer for one session a week for a few months before my big Jamacia trip. I've lost almost 30 lbs just eating better and getting more active but I also want to make sure I'm doing the right amount of weight training and the proper reps and areas together etc. I've herd that weight training can REALLY help with loose skin and what not. I don't think I'm going to have a big problem because I don't have much for stretch marks but still. Have to mull it over, it's not cheap but I wanted to join a gym anyways and I think you can get discounts if you are a member.
I use to LOVE swimming and I want to get back into it as a maintenance exersize for when I get to the weight I want to stay at, I think between running and swimming and possibly a kickboxing class each week there will be enough activity to keep my weight in check without having to really restrict myself from eating as much as I am now. I'm still very commited to a healthy lifestyle because that's just where I want to be at, not about to gorge on McDonalds and eat entire bags of chips suddenly because I hit my goal weight but currently my calorie intake is pretty low so I'd like to have a bit more freedom there, and it's important just to be active anyways. I figure run x2 swim x2 and maybe two kick boxing classes a week would be a great plan, and easy enough to stick to : )
I'm blabbering! Going to check out some gym prices and blogs.
On my drive home from work I decided to snack on some grapes cause my tummy was craving something. These grapes are SO good, and so crunchy, so delicious!

Decided to do some Wii Work Out, was a 50 Min Moderate Level Work Out. I really like to work out with the EA Active but I find it groups things together to much. Like you'll do 4 leg exersizes in a row, then 4 arm ones, I wish it was mixed up a bit more. Still better than doing notta though :)

After the Wii Exersize I had a quick shower and took the babes for a walk, and met the hunny at his bus stop with the kids when he got home, enjoy a short little (5-6 min) walk home together and then we headed out for dinner.
He got A burger, I thought I was going to want a bite but it didn't look tasty at all, he said it was delicious and it's not that it looked bad just didn't appeal to me whatsoever.

I got a Spring Mix Salad and a Bowl of Chipotle Chowder. I was super excited when the waitress told me what the soup of the day was but I dunno, I expected it to be spicer, or spicy at all? And it wasn't it tasted like a bland Corn Chowder with awkwardly large pieces of bacon in it, I ate maybe half of the already pretty shallow bowl, devoured my salad though :) Minus some of the cranberries because they were so sweet and there was SOO many of them!

Not the greatest pictures, the lightning in there kind of sucked and my iphone dosen't have a flash, Boo : (! Hoping for the iphone 4 for Christmas!
Nights : )))))
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
In a chipper mood this morning despite the fact that I slept in! Missed my bus but wasn't late for work or anything, just a little rushed. Gave the pups breakfast and let them play in the yard for awhile while I got ready, and then gave them there treat and left they louging on the bed while I headed out. Grabbed a coffee n then realized traffic was all backed up : ( .. But still didn't ruin my mood lol and I HATE traffic. Ended up not taking that long to get through everything, thought for sure I was going to be super late but NOPE! Right on time : )
Breakyfast was YET again, Oatmeal w/ PB & Banana. I know it's the same like everyday but dude, so yummy and so filling I don't even care lol

Lunchables : Left Over Taco' Salad YUMMMMM!

Works ta do, update later : ) ............
Had a pretty productive day at work and a nice few lil chit chats with the boss, who's sort of a odd guy. Sometimes he seems super friendly but just in passing he always comes off as very angry and frustrated, but once you actually get into a convo with him, he's a great guy.
Came home and did the dishes, was going to attempt a p90x video but I don't have all the necessary items to do it (no dumbells or a pull up bar). I had planned to get some dumbells anyways so once I get those I will try and it just void any of the pull ups until I decide if I'm actually going to try the whole workout system, then maybe invest in that. So since that idea was out I decided to use the Wii. Normally I really like the Wii Fit with the Mii characters but I don't find I get that great of a workout from anything on there, I do still enjoy the yoga tho. I also have the EA Active game so I used that instead, about a 40 minute interval workout, felt great. Then I decided to take the dogs for a quick walk, had planned for 25 ish mins but ended up about a 40 minute walk. Just reading some blogs and updating quick then off to read a bit of The Happiness Project and make some dinner
: )

Dinner Included: Chicken Breast w/ Montreal Chicken Seasoning (My Fav), Wild Rice, Broccoli & Cauliflower and a small Salad (Romaine, Peppers, Cukes, Toms + Low Fat Ranch Dressing) Very yummy, super filling.

Breakyfast was YET again, Oatmeal w/ PB & Banana. I know it's the same like everyday but dude, so yummy and so filling I don't even care lol

Lunchables : Left Over Taco' Salad YUMMMMM!

Works ta do, update later : ) ............
Had a pretty productive day at work and a nice few lil chit chats with the boss, who's sort of a odd guy. Sometimes he seems super friendly but just in passing he always comes off as very angry and frustrated, but once you actually get into a convo with him, he's a great guy.
Came home and did the dishes, was going to attempt a p90x video but I don't have all the necessary items to do it (no dumbells or a pull up bar). I had planned to get some dumbells anyways so once I get those I will try and it just void any of the pull ups until I decide if I'm actually going to try the whole workout system, then maybe invest in that. So since that idea was out I decided to use the Wii. Normally I really like the Wii Fit with the Mii characters but I don't find I get that great of a workout from anything on there, I do still enjoy the yoga tho. I also have the EA Active game so I used that instead, about a 40 minute interval workout, felt great. Then I decided to take the dogs for a quick walk, had planned for 25 ish mins but ended up about a 40 minute walk. Just reading some blogs and updating quick then off to read a bit of The Happiness Project and make some dinner
: )

Dinner Included: Chicken Breast w/ Montreal Chicken Seasoning (My Fav), Wild Rice, Broccoli & Cauliflower and a small Salad (Romaine, Peppers, Cukes, Toms + Low Fat Ranch Dressing) Very yummy, super filling.

Boyfriend wanted some dessert so I made some low-fat pudding with Skim Milk, I gave him most of it but decided to have a little bowl myself with some banana on top, was super yummy : )
Sleep Time : )
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday Blues
I'm not sure what kind of mood I'm in today. It's not a great one, but it's not a horrible one. Just feeling kind of blah. Had planned to get up early and take the babes for a quick 30 min walk before work but slept in and almost missed my bus! Jeeze. I had planned to be sleeping by 10:30, headed to shower n sleep around 9:30 but somehow didn't get to sleep until almost 12. Definetly earlier to bed tonight.
Regular Ole' Delicious Oats w/ PB and Banannn + Some Cafe'

Ate up my lunch that I actually brought in for yesterday, Greek Salad (No olives though, not a fan) + Few Carrots sticks and a Diet 7-Up. Was perdy yumable.
Regular Ole' Delicious Oats w/ PB and Banannn + Some Cafe'

Ate up my lunch that I actually brought in for yesterday, Greek Salad (No olives though, not a fan) + Few Carrots sticks and a Diet 7-Up. Was perdy yumable.

Taco Salad for Dinner, BF had the Regular Tacos lol I'm kind of obsessed with taco salads, not entirely sure why but they are super yummy! Romaine Lettuce, lean Ground beef with Taco Seasoning (I'd say about 1/2 cup) Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Shredded Cheese, Crumbled Taco, 2 tsp of light sour cream and 3 tsp of Salsa, SUPER Yum! Really hit the spot : )

Few things on the go tonight includin'
- Clean Bathroom! - Yet again, not done, Hands are hurting bad lately (skin issues)
- Fix Computer for Bro' - Doneskis'
- Puppy Walk - 50 Mins, Was nice : )
- Wii Workout - Legs were sore from the walk, : S So didn't get to it.
- Make Dins ' Tacos, Taco Salad for Moi - Delicious!
- Make Lunches (Boyfriend: Tuna Warps, Myself: Leftover Salad!) Doneskis
- Call Momma to sort out School Books - Sorted!
I got to the mall after work today and got The Happiness Project. I've seen it on lots of blogs and finally investigated the site yesterday, was intrigued. I loved the frist chapter (Month), didn't get a chance to read much past that last night but I did read a bit of Gretchens blog yesterday and definetly excited to read this book : )! - My day planner is lignering there too, I've been trying to write in it everyday but it's a task, still getting into the swing of it.

Few things on the go tonight includin'
- Clean Bathroom! - Yet again, not done, Hands are hurting bad lately (skin issues)
- Fix Computer for Bro' - Doneskis'
- Puppy Walk - 50 Mins, Was nice : )
- Wii Workout - Legs were sore from the walk, : S So didn't get to it.
- Make Dins ' Tacos, Taco Salad for Moi - Delicious!
- Make Lunches (Boyfriend: Tuna Warps, Myself: Leftover Salad!) Doneskis
- Call Momma to sort out School Books - Sorted!
Sleeps : )
Monday, August 16, 2010
Happy Monday!
I'm not even in one of those, "Ugh It's Monday Moods" today. In an oddly good mood lol. Pretty excited to get home later and see my babes, take them for a nice walkies : ) It's weird how a day of eating good and getting lots of exersize can make you so.. I dunno I guess just in an "up" mood but then on the days your feeling down it's so hard to just get up and do something even though you know it will make you feel like WAY better.
Emailed about an Office Admin Diploma today. Office work isn't really MY thing but I'm just not in the position right now to be going back to school fulltime to do what I'd really like to do (Nursing) and I'm so good with computers and just dealing with people in general so it works for now. The diploma would almost garuntee me a job with the City and they have excellent benefits and paid vacations and stuff, plus there is SO much room for advancment. And it's an online diploma so I wouldn't even have to stop working to do it, apparently you can complete it in about 8 months. We'll see what they say when I get a responce, I had a couple questions I asked.
Breakfast was simple, and I forgot my bowl at home this morning so I kind of had to improvise lol Oatmeal w/ PB and sliced Banans and I grabbed a coffee on the way to work, put in about 1/2 the creamer I usually do and it was actually still extremely yummy : )

I think sometimes with coffee I put in so much creamer (Hazelnut Flavour) that it almost overpowers the coffee and seems to always give me a headache. I think it's really the sugar in coffee that's been bothering me and not the coffee itself.
I had planned to have Greek Salad for lunch (Leftovers from night before) but my Boss asked me to zip over and grab him lunch for the cafeteria cause he was stuck in meetings and they had my all time fav soup "Thai Chicken Curry" so I was all over that lol! Delicious as usual!

I wasn't in the best mood on the drive home so I wasn't real motivated when I got home, ended up lounging on the couch for about an hour munchin' on some grapes, they were so yum and crunchy!

Emailed about an Office Admin Diploma today. Office work isn't really MY thing but I'm just not in the position right now to be going back to school fulltime to do what I'd really like to do (Nursing) and I'm so good with computers and just dealing with people in general so it works for now. The diploma would almost garuntee me a job with the City and they have excellent benefits and paid vacations and stuff, plus there is SO much room for advancment. And it's an online diploma so I wouldn't even have to stop working to do it, apparently you can complete it in about 8 months. We'll see what they say when I get a responce, I had a couple questions I asked.
Breakfast was simple, and I forgot my bowl at home this morning so I kind of had to improvise lol Oatmeal w/ PB and sliced Banans and I grabbed a coffee on the way to work, put in about 1/2 the creamer I usually do and it was actually still extremely yummy : )

I think sometimes with coffee I put in so much creamer (Hazelnut Flavour) that it almost overpowers the coffee and seems to always give me a headache. I think it's really the sugar in coffee that's been bothering me and not the coffee itself.
I had planned to have Greek Salad for lunch (Leftovers from night before) but my Boss asked me to zip over and grab him lunch for the cafeteria cause he was stuck in meetings and they had my all time fav soup "Thai Chicken Curry" so I was all over that lol! Delicious as usual!

I wasn't in the best mood on the drive home so I wasn't real motivated when I got home, ended up lounging on the couch for about an hour munchin' on some grapes, they were so yum and crunchy!

After the grapes I found some energy and took the daglins for a walk, about 50 mins, no rain this time lol! I had planned to make tacos for dinner but wasn't really feeling it so I opted for a Stir Fry, was super delicous and really hit the spot.

Then I lounged with my babes for awhile, Boyfriend caught this silly picture of me and my Husky Raider. He such a cuddle bug, huge tounge lol

Shower, and then sleep! Nights!
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