In a chipper mood this morning despite the fact that I slept in! Missed my bus but wasn't late for work or anything, just a little rushed. Gave the pups breakfast and let them play in the yard for awhile while I got ready, and then gave them there treat and left they louging on the bed while I headed out. Grabbed a coffee n then realized traffic was all backed up : ( .. But still didn't ruin my mood lol and I HATE traffic. Ended up not taking that long to get through everything, thought for sure I was going to be super late but NOPE! Right on time : )
Breakyfast was YET again, Oatmeal w/ PB & Banana. I know it's the same like everyday but dude, so yummy and so filling I don't even care lol

Lunchables : Left Over Taco' Salad YUMMMMM!

Works ta do, update later : ) ............
Had a pretty productive day at work and a nice few lil chit chats with the boss, who's sort of a odd guy. Sometimes he seems super friendly but just in passing he always comes off as very angry and frustrated, but once you actually get into a convo with him, he's a great guy.
Came home and did the dishes, was going to attempt a p90x video but I don't have all the necessary items to do it (no dumbells or a pull up bar). I had planned to get some dumbells anyways so once I get those I will try and it just void any of the pull ups until I decide if I'm actually going to try the whole workout system, then maybe invest in that. So since that idea was out I decided to use the Wii. Normally I really like the Wii Fit with the Mii characters but I don't find I get that great of a workout from anything on there, I do still enjoy the yoga tho. I also have the EA Active game so I used that instead, about a 40 minute interval workout, felt great. Then I decided to take the dogs for a quick walk, had planned for 25 ish mins but ended up about a 40 minute walk. Just reading some blogs and updating quick then off to read a bit of The Happiness Project and make some dinner
: )

Dinner Included: Chicken Breast w/ Montreal Chicken Seasoning (My Fav), Wild Rice, Broccoli & Cauliflower and a small Salad (Romaine, Peppers, Cukes, Toms + Low Fat Ranch Dressing) Very yummy, super filling.

Breakyfast was YET again, Oatmeal w/ PB & Banana. I know it's the same like everyday but dude, so yummy and so filling I don't even care lol

Lunchables : Left Over Taco' Salad YUMMMMM!

Works ta do, update later : ) ............
Had a pretty productive day at work and a nice few lil chit chats with the boss, who's sort of a odd guy. Sometimes he seems super friendly but just in passing he always comes off as very angry and frustrated, but once you actually get into a convo with him, he's a great guy.
Came home and did the dishes, was going to attempt a p90x video but I don't have all the necessary items to do it (no dumbells or a pull up bar). I had planned to get some dumbells anyways so once I get those I will try and it just void any of the pull ups until I decide if I'm actually going to try the whole workout system, then maybe invest in that. So since that idea was out I decided to use the Wii. Normally I really like the Wii Fit with the Mii characters but I don't find I get that great of a workout from anything on there, I do still enjoy the yoga tho. I also have the EA Active game so I used that instead, about a 40 minute interval workout, felt great. Then I decided to take the dogs for a quick walk, had planned for 25 ish mins but ended up about a 40 minute walk. Just reading some blogs and updating quick then off to read a bit of The Happiness Project and make some dinner
: )

Dinner Included: Chicken Breast w/ Montreal Chicken Seasoning (My Fav), Wild Rice, Broccoli & Cauliflower and a small Salad (Romaine, Peppers, Cukes, Toms + Low Fat Ranch Dressing) Very yummy, super filling.

Boyfriend wanted some dessert so I made some low-fat pudding with Skim Milk, I gave him most of it but decided to have a little bowl myself with some banana on top, was super yummy : )
Sleep Time : )
Taco salad is always good -- what do you put in yours?