I'm really begining to .. I wouldn't say detest my job, but I dunno, I feel like I sit on my butt ALL day and do nothing and then when I get home my body is like in a total shock mode that I'm suddenly running around making dinner, working out, walking dogs. Anyone have any suggestions who might work in an office? Do you work out in the AM to get things going? Walk around at lunch? I can't really walk anywhere expect my actual building, which isn't that big, I think people would think I was crazy if I started randomly walking around in circles.
Same Ole Same Ole Delicoius Oats w/ PB and Banann + a Cafe'

I'm trying to figure out if I should just continue on with doing my own workouts and just being more active and eating better until christmas and then after the new year hire a personal trainer for one session a week for a few months before my big Jamacia trip. I've lost almost 30 lbs just eating better and getting more active but I also want to make sure I'm doing the right amount of weight training and the proper reps and areas together etc. I've herd that weight training can REALLY help with loose skin and what not. I don't think I'm going to have a big problem because I don't have much for stretch marks but still. Have to mull it over, it's not cheap but I wanted to join a gym anyways and I think you can get discounts if you are a member.
I use to LOVE swimming and I want to get back into it as a maintenance exersize for when I get to the weight I want to stay at, I think between running and swimming and possibly a kickboxing class each week there will be enough activity to keep my weight in check without having to really restrict myself from eating as much as I am now. I'm still very commited to a healthy lifestyle because that's just where I want to be at, not about to gorge on McDonalds and eat entire bags of chips suddenly because I hit my goal weight but currently my calorie intake is pretty low so I'd like to have a bit more freedom there, and it's important just to be active anyways. I figure run x2 swim x2 and maybe two kick boxing classes a week would be a great plan, and easy enough to stick to : )
I'm blabbering! Going to check out some gym prices and blogs.
On my drive home from work I decided to snack on some grapes cause my tummy was craving something. These grapes are SO good, and so crunchy, so delicious!

Decided to do some Wii Work Out, was a 50 Min Moderate Level Work Out. I really like to work out with the EA Active but I find it groups things together to much. Like you'll do 4 leg exersizes in a row, then 4 arm ones, I wish it was mixed up a bit more. Still better than doing notta though :)

After the Wii Exersize I had a quick shower and took the babes for a walk, and met the hunny at his bus stop with the kids when he got home, enjoy a short little (5-6 min) walk home together and then we headed out for dinner.
He got A burger, I thought I was going to want a bite but it didn't look tasty at all, he said it was delicious and it's not that it looked bad just didn't appeal to me whatsoever.

I got a Spring Mix Salad and a Bowl of Chipotle Chowder. I was super excited when the waitress told me what the soup of the day was but I dunno, I expected it to be spicer, or spicy at all? And it wasn't it tasted like a bland Corn Chowder with awkwardly large pieces of bacon in it, I ate maybe half of the already pretty shallow bowl, devoured my salad though :) Minus some of the cranberries because they were so sweet and there was SOO many of them!

Not the greatest pictures, the lightning in there kind of sucked and my iphone dosen't have a flash, Boo : (! Hoping for the iphone 4 for Christmas!
Nights : )))))
AWw, I'm sorry you are feeling so bad about your job. I hope it gets better. Hang in there hun!